BOLPC depends greatly on the selfless dedication and talents of its volunteers. As a volunteer, there are many different opportunities and ways you can serve:
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Client Consultant
Office Administration
Social Media Specialists
Data Entry
Spanish Translators
Baby Boutique Organizers
Client Consultant
Grant Writers
Doctors, Nurses & Lawyers
Social Workers
The client consultant is responsible for the education, emotional support, and assistance of clients at the BOLPC. This position is under the supervision of the Executive Director.​
Training by Executive Director required.
Several weeks of shadowing a seasoned client consultant is needed.
Requires a commitment of at least one scheduled day a week.
Office Support
Assistance with light office work, data entry, answering phones, stuffing envelopes and preparing materials for meetings.​
Spanish translation.
Individuals with vans and trucks to pick up and deliver goods.
Events Team
Assist with various events throughout the year - Health Fairs, BOLPC Fundraisers, Local Community Gatherings and Church Events.
Preparing and organizing BOLPC workshops.
CATHY is one of our trained consultants. Cathy helps out on Mondays with organizing our baby boutique, clients, phones and other office assistance as needed. Thank You Cathy for generously dedicating your time and for keeping our baby clothes organized.
ANNETTE is one of our trained consultants. Annette is also our prayer intercessor and is always committed to praying for our moms in need.
JESSICA is one of our trained consultants and also our Spanish Translator. Jessica translates all of our client marketing materials and provides kind and caring assistance to our spanish speaking moms in need. Jessica is currently attending classes at Stonybrook University and we are happy to support her internship here at the center.
MARGE helps out on Thursdays sorting and organizing our baby boutique and handling phones as well as other general office duties.
SUSAN is a member on our board and a client consultant who is dedicated to volunteering with us on Fridays and whenever we need extra help. She is committed to helping women make informed decisions about their pregnancies through listening to women’s circumstances and needs. Susan is always ready to offer support, encouragement, and prayer to our moms in need. She also helps us with the sorting of donations to the center as well as the organization of our baby boutique.
MARIEis a faithful secretary of our board of directors and also a client consultant.
We are so grateful for the time she shares with us at the center and for her wisdom and commitment in helping our organization grow.
If you'd like to apply for a volunteer opportunity with BOLPC, please call us for an appointment.